Friday, August 29, 2008

A Serious Post About Sarah Palin

I try to have a 1:1 ratio of serious to not serious posts here. Alaska governor Sarah Palin is John McCain's VP.

About Sarah Palin:

-Has been the governor since late 2006. Before being elected she was a mayor of Wasilla, AL.
-Has five children. Her youngest son has down syndrome.
-Has a lifetime membership with the NRA.
-Her husband works for the British Petroleum company.
-She is conservative.

So what do these mean? Well for one, she has less experience than Barack Obama does- its strange that the man who appointed her to the position has run a campaign based on Obama's lack of experience. Secondly, while its commemorable to raise a child with downs syndrome (saying its a challenge is an understatement) how the fuck could someone who says they're "Pro-Family" and "Pro-Life" be the VP? When you are in that position, that basically becomes the most important thing in your life. So she'd become less of a parent to her five kids, one with downs, and they'd have to relocate all the way across the United States. Thats not very "Pro-Family" to me. I do not trust anyone with connections to any kind of industry, ESPECIALLY the gun and oil ones.

Overall, I am glad McCain chose her for his VP because it is better for Obama, but this level of hypocrisy is beyond rediculous.


Ryan said...

Ehh... I don't much like Sarah Palin either, but I don't think becoming VP will mess up her family life. That's mainly because the VP isn't exactly overwhelmed with work, at least not to the point where he/she would be spending less time with his/her family. John Adams once described Vice Presidency as "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived."

Also, I'm not crazy about anyone connected to the oil industry either, but Palin has a history of fighting immorality in big oil companies; she was appointed Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commision in 2003, but left in 2004 due to frustration from her colleagues' "lack of ethics." They had ignored her complaints of legal violations and conflicts of interests.

And as for the NRA thing... I try to avoid the stereotypes.

Ryan said...
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Ryan said...

My only problems with her are:

- Pro-life, anti-gay marriage (but she does have gay/lesbian friends and says that she's "receptive" to their concerns.)
- She has very little experience. This decision was obviously made to counteract McCain's oldness with youth and attractiveness (she was runner up in a "Miss Alaska" pageant) but when it comes down to it, the VP's main role is to replace the President should he die. And... well, McCain is not exactly a young man. Do we really want someone as inexperienced as Sarah Palin running the country? God no.

So I think she was a bad choice for VP, but I don't quite consider her a choice that demonstrates "hypocrisy" on the part of Republicans.

Anonymous said...

try to post unbiased k?

Dont do it jake said...

last time i checked this was a blog about videogames, not CBS. no one reads this blog to get their straight forward news.

go to cnn if you want to read about current events.

MB said...

An obvious attempt to lure in Clinton or women voters, despite them being near exact opposites in policy and experience level.

I don't see how this won't backfire on him.

Ryan said...

Well, it could also be an attempt to lure in the hardcore evangelical Republicans. But even then it wouldn't make a huge difference because as VP, Palin would have very little actual responsibility. Perhaps less than she did as governor of Alaska.

With that said, I guess I'll have to see her in the VP debate before I pass judgment.

Tusken the Raider said...

anonymous you sound like a whiny little bitch