Sunday, October 19, 2008

No On Prop 8


Anonymous said...

This made me gag a little.

Milo Validus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ryan said...

I've seen that ad before Lucas... it made me sick as well.

"My children are being taught that they can marry whoever they want to?!

This is an outrage!"

Tusken the Raider said...

driving back from masons i saw a group of girls standing on a street corner waving YES ON 8 signs like it was a car wash.

god dammit.

Dont do it jake said...

After school on friday I was at a table with a few buddies and some chicks I don't know and we were all talking and I have an Obama pin on my backpack and so someone brings that up and were talking about the upcoming elections and get into the prop 8 bullshit. This girl was like id vote yes on 8 because I saw the ad were the kid is forced to know about marriage in school and thats the parents resposiblity. And I agree with that- but theres not one cent in the prop 8 bill that talks about education. And even if it did- even if it said when marrriage is taught it needs to be talked about for everyone, when the fuck is that a bad thing? When is building open mindedness and tolerance bad?

The Mormon church (based in Salt Lake City) donated 8.5 million dollars to the Yes on 8 campain. "Hi, I'm a mormon. I believe god loves everyone, except gays and women. I believe that we need to help the poor, so it makes sense that we help the poor by giving $8,500,000 dollars to fund a campain based on fear and irrationality. I don't live in the same state as you, and I probably will never meet you, but fuck you, you do not deserve the same rights as me."

I hate it when people say being gay is a choice. Why the fuck would anyone want to be gay? "I'm in high school, I get picked on, I don't fit in well, I'm not good with gir- OH WAIT! I KNOW WHAT I CAN DO!! I can be gay! Great fucking idea!! I can fix these problems by

-getting the shit kicked out of my by ignorant fucks
-having my constituional rights restricted by ignorant fucks
-not being able to visit the person I love in the hospital due to ignorant fucks
-being looked down upon by society by ignorant fucks

fucking a why isnt everyone else gay??"

I cant imagine that people are that fucking closeminded to let this bill pass.


Chris said...

Anyone that's been around me the past three weeks knows how I feel about this so I'll keep it short: Proposition 8 is BULLSHIT!

I disagree with Lucas though. If anything, I'd say those ads are the only good things to come out of this piece of religion-inspired bigotry. I find each one more hilarious than the last.

The stuff about "keep the government out of our lives" is a bit iffy though, not because I disagree with it at all, but rather because it's a voter referendum, the complete opposite of a big bad government stomping all over our rights. It's not really a factual thing so much as the fact that those in favor of the proposition feel like the government is interfering and they're fixing something.

The stupid irony going on there is absolutely astounding.

Tusken the Raider said...

in b4 kenny's homophobic rants