Thursday, October 2, 2008


Neither of these people I like. Joe Biden is by far more qualified than Palin but by principle I cannot support this man. Even though I can't vote, I would still vote for the Obama/ Biden ticket though, its just very depressing to see him as the VP I'd be supporting. (Personally, I was hoping for Obama to pick John Edwards. Good thing he didn't.)

Sarah Palin is on another universe of comprehension to me. I do try my best to stay open minded about things, but there is no way, no possible form to defend or explain to a logical person why this conservative skullfuck could be in such a high posistion. Is it just me or does everything that comes out of her mouth make me rage like fuck?

"We need to build our energy independence by using offshore drilling."

I don't know if you know this, but the stuff you want to drill for is running out. And according to scientists it'll most likely be gone in 50 years (also, according to scientists, humans and dinosaurs did not coexist). We have a dependence on oil period- a dependence on foreign and domestically. Plus, we wouldn't even see a drop in approximately 10 years. And of course it only adds on to our tab of raping the earth. Off shore drilling is a bandaid on the broken legs of energy.

"Terrorists hate our freedoms, such as womens rights."

This pro-life bullshit you preach is anti woman. Thats it. Anyone that wants to restrict a woman's choices is anti woman. Period.

"I don't believe in rewriting the traditional meaning of marriage bewteen a man and a woman."

Yes, all canidates agree on this but for different reasons (because the Bible told the GOP so). Obama has explained about how if we flipped the switch of gay marriage it would influx the income tax because marriage does have an effect on your taxes. You know what I think? If the taxes will be distorted (and I can't even imagine by that much), than so be it. Gay people deserve equal rights. If we need to shake the IRS a bit for them to get those rights, than so be it. Until then, that famous old saying "All men people are created equal" will be an unfullied promise.

For the entire debate, Sarah Palin could not stop smiling. At all. You may say, well darn it, whats so bad about smiling? You know whats bad about smiling? Smiling is bad when you are talking about the bullshit clusterfuck aka the War On Terror. She can casually say things that I'm talking about right now with a smug fucking grin on her stupid face. I don't have a fucking smile on my face. I want to punch a hole in the fucking wall because I'm fed up with the bullshit in person's clothing called the McCain campaign.

Also, how come no one talks about immigration? Both of these canidates and both of these parties needs to get their fucking nuts out their asses and address this issue. Why don't people in power address the abortion of justice that is the Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos trials?

Thats it.


Anonymous said...


can't wait

Anonymous said...

well im watching it right now.. so i suppose i dont have to

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

jake i love you so very very much

Anonymous said...

what a surprise another long, infuriating rant that makes we want to...
blog on the interent
and start a reverse boycott where I buy more French products

and run for VP because I read some articles I dont know if I can trust from someone on the "interweb"

plus I can see mexico from my house

kill the mexicans!!!!!!!!
kill the blacks!!!!!!!!!!
kill the alaskans!!!!!!!!
kill the Senators from delaware!!!!!
kill the Russians!!!!!!
kill the Vietnam POWs!!!!!!
kill the wait not the jews we like them

Anonymous said...

sam get out of here

Anonymous said...

that was jeremy

Anonymous said...

shame on u for thinking that was me
