Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Alrighty then. Time to get down and dirty. I'm hoping to expand this group of gamers to other games, for more variety and inclusive...ness...

Here is a list of games I would like to be able to proudly have Green Squall play a role in if possible:

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne (To officially make a clan, we need about 10 people. we are halfway there...)

FEAR Combat (Hey, come on, I thought it was fun...)

Battlefield 2142 (I don't have it, but it seems like everyone else does haha)

Halo 2 (I mean come on)

Crackdown (once we all find our testicles and actually purchase it. and the multiplayer is not competitive, it is cooperative... so uh i dont know. BUT HALO 3 BETA, MAN!)

GRAW2 (but chris still seems to be the only one who owns it. or GRAW 1 for that matter)

Hmm I don't know. Any online competitive game i suppose. I'm pulling for more Halo2 matches and more possible members for the Frozen Throne group. BUT I dont really see that one happening haha (10 members!?). We could still have fun as a group even without the title of an official clan, though!

Please do not hesitate to add any games you wish in a comment.

Thanks, Tusken


Tusken the Raider said...





we all need counterstrike. seriously. one cannot call themselves a FPS lover if they have not delved into the bowels of Counterstrike.

(also, new map. holy shit. apparently its some japanese temple or something. but holy shit)

Ryan said...

I definitely respect the determination to become a big clan, but I'm not sure if you guys have played most of these games (except CS and WC3) enough to branch out into them...

Ryan said...

By that I mean that in order to start a successful clan, joining members need to be impressed by the skills of the starting members. Now I'm sure you guys are great at Gears, but I don't think anyone will join a GRAW2 clan that only has one member, who by the way still hasn't figured out the basics just yet...

Still, WC3 and CS are probably good ideas.

Chris said...

I haven't figured out the basics?

Is that why in an average game I'll be second or first place almost every time? I mean about 20 kills to about 8 deaths, maybe more. Sure, I'll have my off games, but who doesn't (Let's not forget that 2142 game I saw you play that one time...) It's a really hard game, and after playing some other shooters, it's hard to make the switch to something SO tactical. Battlefield is very tactical but in a different way. Squads are essential in both (But not officially grouped in GRAW like in Battlefield). It's almost universally agreed to kick ass, but it's really an acquired taste. Once you start to love it, you'll really love it. It's just a love it or leave it game that requires quick reflexes and sharp eyes to stay alive in the close-quarters conflicts, as well as smart tactics. Running around everywhere WILL get you killed. The cover system in multiplayer is a bit uncomfortable, but allows you to hide behind more things rather than just flat surfaces.

All in all, an excellent shooter if you develop a taste for it. However, it's a real love it or leave it game, and if it's not for you, then you won't enjoy it as much.

Ryan said...

Heh, whoops. Just kind of assumed from that one time we played GRAW1 together...

But yeah, it just doesn't appeal to me. As an FPS, I never saw that it had that required spark; that great gameplay mechanic that set it apart from the crowd. No vehicles, no gore; just shooting at infantry.

Tusken the Raider said...

Dude i was trying to include you all with the 2142 and whatknot. You guys would've been the recruiters or whatever for that game. You have the experience. But i guess if you're so keen on pointing out all things negative...

also, this isnt as much of an aspiring clan as it is just a group of gamers who play video games. we just have a name!

Tusken the Raider said...

quit giving us shit, then more shit.

you guys think I like to start arguments?

"Green Squall actually has the makings of a really successful blog in it (mainly due to great members like Tusken and KingOfKings) but is kind of targeted towards Gears, so I guess if it doesn't start spreading to other games it could tank as the popularity of GoW goes down and it, like any great game will, becomes old news."

and because i wanted to expand anyway, i posted to show that definite strides were being made towards other games. you're response:

"I definitely respect the determination to become a big clan, but I'm not sure if you guys have played most of these games (except CS and WC3) enough to branch out into them..."

yea. because this list is totally set and we HAVE to adhere to these games. did you understand the whole SUGGESTION portion of that list??!?!? Most of those were suggested if people were to PURCHASE the games that certain people already love. GRAW2 has been stricken tho, considering reviews say its basically the first one but flashier. and none of us seem to be jumping out of our comfortably planted asses to go and get it.



Chris said...

Just pointing out, you said "you guys" when I never made any negative comment, only Ryan did.

Also, Ryan
As with most console online games, the GRAW series is made for squad-level combat. It's not phenomenally new in any way, but it has a few different surveillance tools and such and a very large need for effective teamwork and use of cover. It's not like those things have never been done before, but GRAW does them well and adds a nice selection of weapons and character customization options to compliment it. Also, don't be so critical of Sean for trying to organize games with his buds.

Tusken the Raider said...

thank you chris