So today unlike other days where I see my doctor across the street from Northridge Hospital I was coming from Sierra Canyon Middle School after seeing the annual Solar Car Races with my mom. She dropped me off instead of me taking my car and parking it. So after another downing apointment I was walking out to the driveway at the street waiting for my mom to pick me up when I notice a man. He was wearing a ripped Dodgers shirt and would have looked homeless if anyone had cared to look at him. But he came up to me as my iPhone died and asked if he could use my telephono. And as I looked up I see his head has a big bruise and he is spitting up blood. So I ask if he needs emergencia and he says si and I tell him my cell is muerto but wait herte Ill get help. So I ran to the parking booth and sai to the man inside "There is a man over there who needs 911 and he is bleeding call 911 now" So my mom shows up Im sitting next to a guy who is bleeding and the paramedics show up. I waited with him for about 20 minutes and all he kept saying was that someone beat him and to call his brother and father in Spanish. When the Ambulance showed up they were not going to take him across the street to the hospital but to a county hospital because he didnt have any insurance. I post this story because I saced this man's life when no one would look at him because of how he looked. I do this also because of how sheltered some of you are. You do not believe this happens this close ro you or at all. However there is benerefits from this story. First, my Spanish is excellent, and second no matter how bad it may look it could be worse.
You totally made this all up..
fuck you lucas.
also fuck kenny, Jeremy Dix is the new SAVIOR OF US ALL!!!!
i may have worded that strongly, interpret it as a "forget kenny"
praise jeremy
did he suck your dick you faggot?
woa jeremy thats awesome
good for you man
ps, i love you
thank you for the rewording Max :)
also, awesome jeremy, and compared to a lot of people, i don't think our group is really in a bubble, we talk shit like cynical sons-of-bitches but we're well aware and thankfull for what we have
Hey that's awesome of you Jeremy!
Nice job, man.
It also shows that something highschoolers learn really CAN help us in life- or in this case help those around us. It also is a kick in the groin to Chris's "who needs spanish" argument.
PS Chris: French is no longer the official language of the UN. English is.
OK lets say you didnt make this all up...
Hey man! It wasn't so much "who needs Spanish" as it was "do you know any adults who use a foreign language in their daily life anyway?
It's always a great thing to know though.
12 comments and i didnt write any of them I am a god
hey jeremy fuck you!
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