Thursday, June 4, 2009

10 Things I've recently found myself very interested in (no particular order)

10. Well-made dance and electro music, specifically The Bloody Beetroots. Also any good dance remixes.
9. Meditation and Psychonautics
8. Gears of War 2. Finally picked this game back up after many months.
7. Re-watching the entire Seinfeld series.
6. Achewood by Chris Onstad. Has warped my sense of humor for the better.
5. Reading and writing poetry/short stories
4. Experimental and Prog rock.
3. Appreciation of nature
2. Tenets of Socialism, Communism, and Anarchy
1. Being single.

care to comment with lists of your own?


we're not decepticons said...

alright son

10 things we're interested in ready go:

10. cover bands (specifically 40 year old men who have a day job at 7/11 and a mullet that hasn't been cut since the 90's)
8. living in the land of democracy
7. ice cream (thank you dq and the return of the brownie batter blizzard)
6. the reunion of blink182
5. tom delonge's middle part
4. long walks on concrete
3. small mouth bass
2. nicknames
1. pretending to be rock stars in the basement. you gotta live the dream.

care to comment on that?

Tusken the Raider said...