Thursday, January 31, 2008

Something New and Exciting

Hmm There hasn't been a good post in a while, so I think soon I'll post about something...

Probably some strategy... or maybe the PS3... of course i still need to get warhawk... maybe I'll swing by gamestop on saturday... provided I have enough gas... well theres one on ventura it shouldn't be that far away...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Xbox Live All Nighter

Guys, i was just on and i found out that tonight is an official Xbox Live Gears of War All Nighter. GEARS OF WAR ALL NIGHT LONG MY FRIENDS


Tuesday, January 22, 2008



wtf is this shit?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sweet New Gmod Pics

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Nerf Lancer

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Surrender Now

Today, I felt pretty down, as I do much days I'm living. Anyways to cheer me up lets start a post solely about making fun of Kenny and the worst fighters in the world, the French. This a competiton, and winner gets to share in Kenny's wrath along with me.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Alright so Globalolization inspired me. Fucking inspiration I say. So I'll bring the religion argument on to this blog and at the same time bump down the sexy pic of Kenny. I don't know how the sexy black man was removed but I believe its still my profile picture of blogger so if you need wanking material you know where to look. Well the big debate came down to abortion and some other things so I'll give you guys my opinion (yes, I am a scholar, thank you Henry).

Everything boils down to one simple, inalienable right. People should have the right to choose. Without choice, a person is really, not a person. People should have the right to choose between what religion they want to follow, what they want to watch on tv, whether they should choose Blu-Ray or HDDVD, or any other functioning process that as humans, our mind allows us to preform.

Why should (or can) anyone tell a women what to choose?

A women has the right to an abortion. Think abortion is wrong? Then you think its wrong and if you are a female then you'll choose not to get one. But you don't have the right, you don't have the power, to tell another person what they can't do. Its not your choice. Lets keep it this way.

But most people don't agree with me about this. Most people who think abortion is wrong think that they can't dictate someone's life. They think that they can illegalize abortion (and in Mike Fuckabee's case, sanction abortionists). What will happen to this country if women are denied some of their rights? I think the only good that'd come out of banning abortion would be that the folks in the coat hangers business would profit immensely, because banning abortion does not reduce the abortion rate. Would you rather have a women get infected and possibly die in a back alley procedure or be safe in a doctors office?

On to my next topic. I'll start with a question:

Would you tell a black person to sit at the back of a bus?

I hope your answer is a define and bold NO. What about a Jew? Of course not. What about a gay person? Well, most people in power or in society would actually say yes. Isn't that totally and absolutely fucked up? Yes!

Denying a homosexual's right to marry is like forcing a black person to sit at the back of a bus or use a different water fountain. Each act is a demoralizing and racist act to somebody that is different than you. Your skin may be black but we're both equal. You should have the same right to sit at the front of the bus as me. You may be attracted to the same sex as yourself but we're both equals and have the same right to marry.

When I explain this to people, 99% of the responses I get is: "It was Adam and Eve, and not Adam and Steve", but really, theres scientific evidence and scientific proof that, brace yourself: Adam and Eve probably didn't even fucking exist. Don't give me your biblical bullshit. And if they did, what does that have anything to do with gay people? Two people like Adam and Eve or Bush or Cheney don't define human behavior. If we apply the Adam Eve/ Adam Steve concept to the leaders of this country then by now, I would have come into this blog with an invalid excuse and killed its civilians and depleted its resources and defied Blogger's Terms and Conditions and put myself into even further Government debt.

Religion is puts a restriction on human behavior and alters judgment. Religion is ignorance, and ignorance is not bliss.

"When ignorance reigns, life is lost."- Rage Against The Machine

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Way Too Many Jokes

So Sunday I was going to go to the racetrack to watch Golden Playgirl run at Santa Anita. This is series of jokes number one. You make jokes about how the horse does not run or is only good for glue.
The races were cancelled due to rain so instead we headed to CityWalk with Gary, Michael, and a thriteen-year old French girl.
More jokes, number one we traveled in a small jaguar in which I couldnt fit in.
We put one male thirteen year old american and one french female in the back seat
Then we made french jokes like how many french soldiers does it take to fight a war..... no one knows it has never been done before.

Next we made jokes about what horrible, vile creature you would get if the Japanese and French mated and had a child who went to school in Calabasas.

Then we made American jokes.
It was a really tiring day of tedious jokes. So I challenge and question your ability, how many jokes can make about these jokes, and kenny, winner gets evan cd case which he left here.

Go watch some hockey!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I've got something in my front pocket for you.

I've been thinking about changing my gamertag to something,well, less gay. I was thinking of something like Kilroy72 or Frankthetank72. comment with your suggestions.

If anybody doesnt take this seriously and makes a name like samfrankisaretard72 im gonna come to thier house and jew claw you until you have no more money.


SaM FrAnk