Saddest Thing Ever
A piece of media has never made me cry more, even more so than when littlefoot's mother died in Land Before Time.
Comprised of genuinely nice people.
A piece of media has never made me cry more, even more so than when littlefoot's mother died in Land Before Time.
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9:16 PM
this clip is just too goddamn sad to be in a comedic show.
i remember watching this episode for the first time and tearing up
Its OK, Fry goes back in time in Bender's Big Score and lives with him so technically this never happened.
only women and pussies cry. you're all pussies.
Gaspin obviously posted that last one.
that episode is the saddest thing to me. i wouldnt watch it wen it came on cause its soo cruel
y did they make it
it wasnt funny just sad ;_;
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