Halo 3 News
In the upcoming issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly there is supposed to be some new Halo 3 news. uh, i dont really know what's going on, but click on this.
Read all of that.
Bungie had THIS to say:
All we confirmed to EGM for their sweet, mind-twitterpating Campaign reveal (and other massive feature reveal) regarding Cooperative Play in Halo 3’s Campaign is that System Link co-op will be included in Halo 3. Just like we told EGM, we’re aware that people want co-op online but the challenge of getting our complicated A.I. systems, huge game world, and gargantuan encounters neatly packaged and transferring across the Interwebz is a mythic undertaking. Nonetheless, like other elements of Halo 3, online co-op is a feature we’re wrestling with somewhere in a muddy and muggy Florida swamp against a ton-toothed Alligator, but, what we haven’t really talked about is how big the knife we brought to the wrasslin’ match is.
All that said, EGM doesn’t really know whether or not Halo 3 will ship with online co-op, only Bungie knows. The only thing they did know is that co-op was available for split-screen and System Link. As we approach the tail end of development, we will have a clearer picture of whether or not that online feature will be included. Assuming either way would be foolish at this time. We will say more when we feel it’s prudent. Because that’s how we roll.
Also, check this shit out.
Check out my webpage for all the info!
That's pretty friggin sweet that hog.
And speaking of EGM, what are the best gaming mags? Like that will keep me entertained for 10+ hours on a plane.
EGM and Game Informer.
also, Ray! how'd you find this blog? and thanks for the informatioN!
GamePro sucks... they thought that Soul Calibur II was a travesty for fighting games. plus they review things in increments out of 5. bleah. EGM and Game Informer are best multiplatform by far.
Actually, I have my email setup so that the second ANYONE mentions Halo 3 in the news or a blog, I find out about it, lol. So naturally, your blog showed up in my email one day, and I decided to comment.
Also, I love EGM, and Game Pro is pretty entertaining, but GP does give really crappy reviews as tusken the raider pointed out above---^.
Game Informer is kinda... thin for the money. It's content is good, but it wouldn't last me 10+ hours! I would probably have to buy a copy of all three, and a copy of Wired, Popular Science, and Men's Health to last me 10+ hours! (Which is what I did when I flew over to England last time)
Anyways, I don't post daily on my blog, but when I do, I try to keep a little ahead of everyone else!
If you want, I can add a permamnant link to your site on my blog, write a review of your site, or just tell people to stop by! That'll give you guys more traffic! ^_^
Also, I would check out http://www.hawtymcbloggy.wordpress.com
She writes great gaming articles from a unique perspective!
Oh, and one more thing:
I've found an amazing blogging tool from Microsoft called Windows Live Writer. I wrote a review for it on my website... you should check it out! It makes blogging a lot easier...
Anyways, I think this comment is long enough! Ttyl,
Wired is indeed a good magazine. And thank you so very much for all of the help! we greatly appreciate your input and suggestions
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