Monday, June 4, 2007


So I FINALLY found my Star Wars Battlefront II disc. That is one of my favorite online games. We need to incorporate it. I know Jeremy has that game... I'm not sure if anyone else does. But it seriously is an online gem and I can't wait to start playing it again.


Chris said...

That was a great game, but if you ask me, it's too consoled and singleplayered. To me, it feels like a cheap version of Battlefield, but nonetheless still barrels of fun. Plus, it's in a Star Wars setting, and that's always fun. Plus, there are more modes than the standard Conquest and Titan. Of course, Conquest is truly a blast with enough players. And the space maps don't lag like Titan Mode.

The PC version is probably better than the Xbox one I have though.

Ryan said...

I have one.

The only problem is that between my brothers and me there is only one Battlefront 2 CD key, so we can't join online matches together... Good news is that if we host the match then we can join thru LAN, so it could work out if we use AI...

Either way, the PC version is out there for bargain bin prices right now, so it's not that big a deal.

Trevor Kindel said...

Actually, no you don't Ryan....

I was the one who got it...

Ryan said...


Fair enough.

Tusken the Raider said...

cheap version of battlefie--.... what?

these are 2 totally different games!


also, i love battlefront 2 cuz of the XL mode, which is basically conquest but each side has HUNDREDS of units and scoring is based on number of kills

Chris said...

The conquest is actually the exact same concept, just with different specifics and such. Battlefield is just much more fleshed out and supports more players. Dunno about XL mode, I assume that's a PC exclusive. Heroes and upgrades for streaks and other little goodies are a nice touch, but after playing Battlefield, you feel a bit ripped off by Battlefront, on the Xbox anyway. It's still a terrific game, but there's no question which does Conquest better, not to mention the awesome maps (<3 Gibraltar, Karkand, Berlin, 2142 Berlin, Jalalabad, Bavaria) that no Battlefield clone can hope to compete with. Battlefront has some good ones also like Rhen Var in Battlefront 1 and they try to mix it up a little with different maps like Hoth. That and other modes like Hero Assault and CTF add a lot as opposed to just Conquest.

Don't get me wrong, the Battlefront series is a fabulous one and when the next game comes out I'll be one of the first to rush out and get it, or, as with both of the others, preorder it. I've put hours and hours into that game and enjoyed every second of it. The online is terrific fun, but after playing Battlefield, it just feels a little less by comparison. It's still a great game though, and everyone loves Star Wars, so if we were all to begin playing it, I wouldn't mind picking up a copy if it's cheap enough. has one for $20, so if we're gonna do this, then I can get that.

Ryan said...


I would just say it has a more arcadey feel. For example, there are the heroes that completely throw off the playing field but are, at the same time, a lot of fun to use.

Plus Battlefield doesn't have anything on space mode of Battlefront 2...

Anonymous said...

Chris, its a comment, not a post.

Chris said...

LOL yeah, I know I get excessive.

Also, I have a $50 BestBuy card thanks so Sameer, so If we're gonna play this I could order it and something else for $20. I'd get Half-Life 2, but I'm pretty sure that comes with the Orange Box, so I'll hold off on that.

Tusken the Raider said...

wow you guys

why is it that everything needs to be compared to battlefield? battlefront and battlefield are two TOTALLY different games for christs sake! just because they have similar names, doesnt mean it is accepted that they are some sort of industry rivals!!!

plus, just about ever war-ish mult player game has something like conquest. it wasnt patented by battelfield...

Chris said...

In all fairness, it wasn't us guys so much as me. But also in all fairness, it borrowed the whole class- and vehicle-based epic combat zone idea and made a lot of major changes that make it a different game. That's not to say Battlefield never borrowed anything, like the class system that I believe originated in Team Fortress.

Despite what I said before, I don't like to say that one great game is better than another because (As you correctly pointed out) they're just different and good in their own ways. There's no way I could, say, compare Battlefront to Zelda or GRAW or (yeah, you're right) the Battlefield series because they're all just different and great in their own ways.

And about supports more players, that was a mistake on my part. The PC version supports up to 64.

And if we're gonna do this please tell me. I'm planning on ordering this and the original GRAW for the PC off BestBuy if so. There's a good chance I'll get something else if not.

Anonymous said...

Yet again, its called a fucking comment. ;_;