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Dont do it jake
3:12 PM
Comprised of genuinely nice people.
Sam Frank
February 24, 2009
ISP Outline
Thesis: Capital punishment should be outlawed as a form of criminal punishment in the U.S
1. The death penalty is not a deterrent of crime.
A. The use of he death penalty as a form of punishment has not affected crime rates in any country.
B. Murderers aren't always able to fully comprehend the repercussions of thier actions, from reason of insanity or other disease.
C. Execution are harmful to the Public, and might make a murderer a matyr. If we don't torture torturer, we don't rape rapist, why do we murder murderers?
2. Capital punishmment is unjust and discrimnatory.
A. Defendents facing death can often not afford a good lawyer.
B. Scientists and health prffesionals are still unsure if the forms of death penalty currently in use cause any physical pain to the victims.
C.Mentally ill and minors are not proctected agianst recieving the Death penalty.
3. With the death penalty, the is a chance of killing an innocent person.
A. Many people have been released from death row after being proven innocent.
B. In the past, it has been shown that capital trials have had errors in evidence.
C. The Death penalty doesn't allow for redemption.
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Samuel L. Jackson
11:42 AM
What did you guys do for Valentine's Day?
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Tusken the Raider
10:02 AM
Filmed with a budget of $500. Chronicles the immediate aftermath of the events of Half-Life 2.
Episode 1
Be sure to watch in HD.
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10:18 PM
Tonight, I have decided to devote my mind and body to my good old Sega Genesis. After scavenging it out of the recesses of my closet and plugging it into the tiny television I keep on my computer desk, I am now prepared to spend an evening with one of my favorite classics, Streets of Rage.
(Cue the Primus shuffle.)
Hah. The white character has less hops than the black guy. Can't jump as high.
I forgot about how fun this game was. It was such a spectacle of violence back in the day. You punch through a phone booth and find a corn dog on the ground. You eat it, and your ruptured ribcage and open fleshwounds suddenly heal themselves. Then you proceed to punch another phone booth, shattering it once more into oblivion. Instead of a magical corn dog, you find a lead pipe. You pick it up and use the next wave of thugs as baseballs. Even before the techonology of Rumble Paks, you feel those swings of the pipe connecting with and destroying your enemies. Of course, your character insists on holding every badass weapon in the most awkward of positions, almost in some sort of strange attempt to hold its arm at a perfect 90 degree angle. What a world I have found myself in.
Dominatrixes and rocket launchers aside, Streets of Rage boasts an extremely detailed and imaginative setting. The colors are varied and artistic, and the city itself seems to hold some untold story of anarchy and urban rebellion.
When the character jumps, it looks like he's performing some horrible stripper pose in mid-air.
This game is awesome. Time to watch some Dragonball Z movies.
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Tusken the Raider
10:28 PM
Great game but you should be able to save anywhere...I got up to level 35 with over 50 survivors saved and forgot to save it and i had to start from level 5 and go back up and I just quit... also Just because i came into the room 1 minute after i was supposed to I lost... I think they should just wait on you then move on.
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7:18 PM
Guess what just leaked a few days ago
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Dont do it jake
5:36 PM
1 responses
Tobacco 435,000 deaths a year
Alcohol 85,000 deaths a year
Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,347 deaths a year
Aspirin/s 7,600 deaths a year
Marijuana 0 deaths a year
There is no need to judge or change others because of their choice to do something, that when it comes down to it, is basically harmless and non addictive.
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Dont do it jake
10:27 AM
The candy-coated adventure from Zaratustra Productions! You weren't doing anything worthwhile, anyways. Exhilarating, to say the least. HERE
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10:16 PM
hey so john campbell makes a comic, it helped me think about depression. they're very expressive, in a melancholy sort of way.
PFSC (first comic)
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11:10 PM
Gabi and I found the greatest little woodland location.
It's not much of a hike, tho, unless you want to walk up a really tall hill that we could easily drive up instead.
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Tusken the Raider
11:03 AM